First Responder Research Project:
Exploring Brain Performance

Partnership launches innovative study for First Responders

The Centre of Clinical Excellence (CCE) has partnered with  HealthTech​ Connex and Simon Fraser University (SFU) for an innovative study focusing on improving cognitive function for First Responders.
The study, with funding support from the Legion Veterans Village Research Foundation,​ ​will use HealthTech Connex’s NeuroCatch® technology to measure cognitive function by way of electroencephalography (EEG).

Dr. Ryan D’Arcy, who will lead the study for SFU and is the President and Chief Scientific Officer of HealthTech Connex, says instead of thinking “what’s wrong with the brain,” the scan will provide critical data to show “how your brain is performing that day.”  
“With NeuroCatch, we can objectively measure recovery and brain performance while First Responders are undergoing treatment, enabling overall well-being” says Dr. Ryan D’Arcy.  

He says it's anticipated that this treatment will enable First Responders to gain a deeper understanding of their cognitive performance, and inform future research, programs, & services to support this population's health & wellness.
The study is open to:  
• Adults (aged 19 years and over)  
• Fluent in English 
• With normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing 
• Willing and/or able to attend three (3) in-person scans in Surrey, BC  

• Currently employed as First Responder or in the past 2 years
Participants will take part in three (3) separate, one-hour sessions that include the NeuroCatch® scan, alongside simple tests to evaluate auditory sensation, basic attention, and cognitive function.